A. Management of Poultry and Other Animal Feeding Operations;
B. Drinking Water and Detection of Lead Service Lines;
C. Pollution Indicators for Beaches and Recreational Waters;
D. In-Situ Cleanup of Contaminated Sediments;
E. Management of Wastes from Hard-Rock and Coal Mining;
F. Monitoring and Control of Air Pollution;
G. Environmental Protection of Tribal Reservations and Alaska Native Villages;
H. Reducing Low Level Area-Wide Soil Contamination;
I. Alaska Oil and Gas Management Tools;
J. Hazardous Waste Management;
K. Hazardous Waste Monitoring;
L. Solid Waste Recycling;
M. Waste Gasification;
N. Innovation in Manufacturing;
O. Nanomaterials;
P. Pollution Prevention;
Q. Water and Wastewater Management;
R. Green Buildings;
S. Safe Buildings;
T. Drinking Water and Wastewater Security; and
U. Computational Toxicology.