SBA's SBIR Policy Directive Changes - January 8, 2014

Unofficial Presentation by SBIR Insider -

4. Competitively Phased Structure of the Program
Section (4)(b) Phase II

New text in blue, deleted in red



(b) Phase II.


(1) The object of Phase II is to continue the R/R&D effort from the completed Phase I. Unless an exception set forth in paragraphs (i) or (ii) below applies, only SBIR Phase I awardees are eligible to participate in Phases II and III. This includes those awardees identified via a ``novated'' or ``successor in interest'' or similarly- Phase II.

revised funding agreement, or those that have reorganized with the same key staff, regardless of whether they have been assigned a different tax identification number. Agencies may require the original awardee to relinquish its rights and interests in an SBIR project in favor of another applicant as a condition for that applicant's eligibility to participate in the SBIR Program for that project.


    (i) A Federal agency may issue an SBIR Phase II award to an STTR Phase I awardee to further develop the work performed under the STTR Phase I award. The agency must base its decision upon the results of work performed under the Phase I award and the scientific and technical merit, and commercial potential of the Phase II proposal. The STTR Phase I awardee must meet the eligibility and program requirements of the SBIR Program in order to receive the SBIR Phase II award.


    (ii) During fiscal years (FY) 2012 through 2017, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Education (DoEd) may issue a Phase II award to a small business concern that did not receive a Phase I award for that R/R&D. Prior to such an award, the heads of those agencies, or designees, must issue a written determination that the small business has demonstrated the scientific and technical merit and feasibility of the ideas that appear to have commercial potential. The determination must be submitted to SBA prior to issuing the Phase II award.


(2) Funding must be based upon the results of work performed under a Phase I award and the scientific and technical merit, feasibility and commercial potential of the Phase II proposal. Phase II awards may not necessarily complete the total research and development that may be required to satisfy commercial or Federal needs beyond the SBIR Program. The Phase II funding agreement with the awardee may, at the discretion of the awarding agency, establish the procedures applicable to Phase III agreements. The Government is not obligated to fund any specific Phase II proposal.


(3) The SBIR Phase II award decision process requires, among other things, consideration of a proposal's commercial potential. Commercial potential includes the potential to transition the technology to private sector applications, Government applications, or Government contractor applications. Commercial potential in a Phase II proposal may be evidenced by:


    (i) The SBC's record of successfully commercializing SBIR or other research;


    (ii) The existence of Phase II funding commitments from private sector or other non-SBIR funding sources;


    (iii) The existence of Phase III, follow-on commitments for the subject of the research; and


    (iv) Other indicators of commercial potential of the idea.


(4) Agencies may not use an invitation, pre-screening, or pre- selection process for eligibility for Phase II. Agencies must note in each solicitation that all Phase I awardees may apply for a Phase II award and provide guidance on the procedure for doing so.


(5) A Phase II awardee may receive one additional, sequential Phase II award to continue the work of an initial Phase II award. The additional, sequential Phase II award has the same guideline amounts and limits as an initial Phase II award.


(6) Agencies may offer special SBIR awards, such as Phase IIB awards, that supplement or extend Phase II awards. For example, some agencies administer Phase IIB awards that differ from the base Phase II in that they require third party matching of the SBIR funds. Each such supplemental award must be linked to a base Phase II award (the initial Phase II, or the second sequential Phase II award). Any SBIR funds used for such special or supplementary awards are aggregated with the amount of the base Phase II to determine the size of that Phase II award. Therefore, while there is no limit on the number of such special/supplementary awards, there is a limit on the total amount of SBIR funds that can be administered through them—the amounts of these awards count towards the size of the initial Phase II or the sequential Phase II, each of which has a guideline amount of $1 million and a limit of $1.5 million. (Note that Phase IIB awards under the NIH SBIR program are administered as second, sequential Phase II awards, not supplemental awards. As such, they are base Phase II awards and subject to the Phase II guideline amounts and limits of $1 million and $1.5 million).


(7) A concern that has received a Phase I award from an agency may receive a subsequent Phase II award from another agency if each agency makes a written determination that the topics of the relevant awards are the same and both agencies report the awards to the SBA including a reference to the related Phase I award and initial Phase II award if applicable.


(8) Agencies may issue Phase II awards for testing and evaluation of products, services, or technologies for use in technical or weapons systems.
