SBA's SBIR Policy Directive Changes - January 8, 2014

Unofficial Presentation by SBIR Insider -

8. Terms of Agreement Under SBIR Awards
(a) Proprietary Information Contained in Proposals.

New text in blue, deleted in red



(a) Proprietary Information Contained in Proposals. The standardized SBIR Program solicitation will include provisions requiring the confidential treatment of any proprietary information to the extent permitted by law.Agencies will discourage SBCs from submitting information considered proprietary unless the information isdeemed essential for proper evaluation of the proposal. The solicitation will require that all proprietary information be identified clearly and marked with a prescribed legend. Agencies may elect to require SBCs to limit proprietary information to that essential to the proposal and to have such information submitted on a separate page or pages keyed to the text. The Government, except for proposal review purposes, protects all proprietary information, regardless of type, submitted in a contract proposal or grant application for a funding agreement under the SBIR Program, from disclosure.
