Appendix IX--Performance Areas, Metrics and Goals
(a) Examples of performance areas include:
(1) Company and agency-level commercialization of awards (see
commercialization section for detail);
(2) Repeat-award winners;
(3) Outreach to first time SBIR/STTR applicants, WOSBs, SDBs--
including percentage of new applicants from those demographics that
have applied to the agency, and other goals and metrics established
by the agency and the interagency policy committee;
(4) Shortening review and award timelines for small businesses
(collected annually in annual report).
(b) Examples of metrics relating to timelines for awards of
Phase I funding agreements and performance start dates of the
funding agreements, include:
(1) The percentage of Phase I awards where the duration between
the closing date of the solicitation and the first date of the
period of performance on the funding agreement is less than 180
calendar days.
(2) The average duration of time between a Phase I solicitation
closing date and the first day of the period of performance on the
funding agreement.
(3) The percentage of Phase I awards where the duration between
the closing date of the solicitation and the notification of
recommendation of award is not more than one year for NIH or NSF and
not more than 90 calendar days for all other agencies.
(4) The average duration of time between a Phase I solicitation
closing date and the notification of recommendation for award.
(c) Examples of metrics relating to timelines for awards of
Phase II funding agreements and performance start dates of the
funding agreements, include:
(1) The percentage of Phase II awards where the duration between
the closing date of the solicitation, or the applicable date for
receiving the Phase II application, and the first date of the period
of performance on the funding agreement is the less than 180
calendar days.
(2) The average duration of time between a Phase II solicitation
close dating and the first day of the period of performance on the
funding agreement.
(3) The percentage of Phase II awards where the duration between
the closing date of the solicitation, or the applicable date for
receiving the Phase II application, and the notification of
recommendation of award is not more than one year for NIH or NSF and
not more than 90 calendar days for all other agencies.
(4) The average duration of time between a Phase II solicitation
closing date, or the applicable date for receiving the Phase II
application,--and the notification of recommendation for award.
(5) The average duration of time between the end of the period
of performance on a Phase I funding agreement and the closing date
for a Phase II solicitation for the same work.
(6) The number of awardees for whom the Phase I process exceeded
6 months, starting from the closing date of the SBIR solicitation to
award of the funding agreement.
(7) Metrics with respect to each SBIR agency's adherence to
Policy Directive and implementation.
(8) Metrics with respect to agencies' measures to reduce fraud,
waste and abuse within the SBIR Program and coordination with the
SBIR agency's OIG.