Conf Title Start Date This should be the first day of your conference -- expressed as MM/DD/YY. Example: 01/01/98. End Date The last day of your conference -- expressed as MM/DD/YY. Example: 01/04/98. City City in which the conference is being held. State State in which the conference is being held. Please use 2-letter abbreviation. Contact This field should be the name of the person or office to contact if any questions are raised concerning this meeting. Phone Phone Number for questions or reservations concerning the meeting. This will usually be the phone number for the person or company named in the Contact field. Fax Fax Number for questions or reservations concerning the meeting. E-mail address for questions pertaining to the meeting. Web Page This optional field will make your conference title a live link to the web address entered. Please note that web addresses are often case-sensitive and should be input exactly as necessary. The use of http:// is optional. Conference Description Use this field to enter a brief narrative as to the purpose of the conference and what attendees may gain from it. Newer browsers will automatically adjust for line wrap, whereas older browsers will cause a line to scroll horizontally (left to right). If this is the case, you can use a hard carriage return at the end of each line, as necessary. Please limit your text to 75 words. Your Name, Your Company, Your E-mail, Your Phone This should be your contact information, as the submitter of this data, so that we may contact you in case of any questions pertaining to the submission of this form. |