DoD Issues STTR FY2003 Presolicitation Notice: The Department of Defense (DoD) has issued a Presolicitation/Sources Sought Notice concerning the release of their upcoming FY2003 STTR solicitation. The solicitation will be released on January 2, 2003 and the DoD will start accepting proposals on March 3, 2003. The deadline for submissions is
5:00 P.M. EST on April 16, 2003.
Five DoD components are participating in this STTR solicitation. They are: Air Force, Army, DARPA, MDA and Navy. The DoD STTR topics will be included in the Zyn SBIR Gateway search engine by Monday, January 6, 2003. You can view the presolicitation announcement at: www.eps.gov/spg/USA/DSS-W/DASW01/DASW01-03-R-9999/listing.html .
U.S. Department of Education (Ed) Restructuring. Implications to their SBIR Program Unclear:
The U.S. Department of Education (Ed) is going through a restructuring program as a result of the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002, which President Bush signed into law on 11/05/02. This act established a new organization within Ed., the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) which replaces the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI). The OERI had formerly been responsible for education research and statistics, but has been abolished upon enactment of this new legislation.
The Ed SBIR program was expanded last year to include solicitations for both grants and contracts. It is not clear how the restructuring will affect their overall SBIR program. What is clear is that the Ed SBIR web site (formerly hosted by the now defunct OERI) is not active at this time, and is only available in a hard to find archive location. It is anticipated that the new IES organization will host the new Education SBIR site but there is currently no timeline set.
We want to give credit and thank Lee Eiden, of the Department of Education's SBIR program for his excellent web site work in providing important information of use to all of the SBIR community. We look forward to seeing the return of this valuable web site resource.
NIH/NIMH Cancels NIMH-03 SBIR RFP: The National Institute on Mental Health (NIMH) has postponed indefinitely, their NIMH-03-SBIR-PHASE I request for proposals. Their Modification 01 states:
The purpose of this amendment is to notify offerors that Request for Proposal NIMH-03-SBIR-PHASE I is hereby postponed indefinitely. In the event the NIMH decides to proceed with this RFP at a later date, an announcement will be made which will notify offerors of the new release date. Please contact Tricia Gibbons or Robin Hope-Williams at 301-443-2696 if there are additional questions regarding this notice.
The legal notice can be found on the Fedbizopps site at: www.eps.gov/spg/HHS/NIH/NIMH/NIMH-03-SBIR-PhaseI/Modification01.html
DOT Issues SBIR Presolicitation Announcement: The Department of Transportation (DOT) has issued a presolicitation notice concerning the release of their upcoming SBIR solicitation. The solicitation will be issued on or about February 14, 2003. You can access the presolicitation notice from the Fedbizopps site at: www.eps.gov/spg/DOT/RSPA/VNTSC/DTRS57-03-R-SBIR/SynopsisP.html. You can also check the DOT SBIR web site at: www.volpe.dot.gov/sbir/ .
DoD SBIR 2003.1 is Now Open and Accepting Proposals (some topics are recalled): The DoD is now accepting proposals for their SBIR 2003.1 solicitation. Proposals will be accepted until 5pm EST on January 15, 2003. You can access the DoD solicitation at www.dodsbir.net/solicitation/ or search for topics by keyword on the SBIR Gateway Search Engine or the DoD Search site http://www.dodsbir.net/topics/.
Proposals must be prepared through the DoD SBIR/STTR Submission site at www.dodsbir.net/submission. As the close date draws near, heavy traffic on the web server may cause delays. Plan ahead and leave ample time to prepare and submit your proposal.
DoD Air Force and Navy remove some Topics from their SBIR 2003.1 solicitation. The Air Force requested the removal of topic AF03-286 due to changed requirements within the Air Force. For further information relative to this topic, contact Steve Guilfoos at 937-656-9021. The Navy requested the removal of topics N03-090, N03-092, N03-093, N03-094, and N03-095 as requirements for these efforts no longer exist within the Navy. For further information relative to these topics, contact Vincent Schaper at 703-696-8528.
NIH Issues December 1 Receipt Date Clarification: The "weekend receipt date rule" is in effect. SBIR/STTR grant applications will be considered on time if received by or mailed on or before MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2002 and a proof of mailing is provided. Proof of timely mailing consists of one of the following: a legibly dated U.S. Postal Service postmark or a dated receipt from a commercial carrier or the U.S. Postal Service.
Details are on the NIH SBIR web site at: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/sbir.htm
NIH Issues 2 Program Announcements (PA) to provide funding under SBIR/STTR model: On November 22, 2003, the NIH issued two program announcements for research projects that will be funded under SBIR/STTR guidelines.
1. Telehealth Technologies Development (PA-03-030): The National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB)
invites grant applications for Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and
Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) awards to support design and
development of novel telehealth instrumentation or technologies that can be
applied to a broad spectrum of disorders and diseases. There is also a
parallel Request for Applications (RFA) announcement on this topic RFA-EB-03-
005 (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-EB-03-005.html). This PA can be found on the NIH site at: http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-03-030.html .
2. Systems and Methods for Small Animal Imaging: The National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB), the
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), the National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), the National Center for Research
Resources (NCRR), the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney
Diseases (NIDDK), and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and
Stroke (NINDS) invite grant applications for Small Business Innovation
Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) awards to
support research and development of small animal imaging devices and methods
that can be applied broadly to research on diverse biological or disease
processes. A similar Request for Applications (RFA) for small animal imaging
research and development to be supported by individual Research Project Grant
(R01) awards can be found at
This PA can be found on the NIH site at: http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-03-031.html .
DOC-NIST Opens SBIR Solicitation: On November 1, 2003, NIST released their FY2003 SBIR solicitation. This solicitation contains 49 subtopics and closes on January 15, 2003 at 3:00pm EST. The NIST solicitation topics are now included in the Zyn Solicitation Search engine here on the SBIR Gateway. The entire NIST SBIR solicitation can be downloaded from
the NIST SBIR web site at: http://patapsco.nist.gov/ts_sbir/.
This year NIST has added a new easy to use SBIR subtopic Question & Answer feature on their web site. All Q&As are publicly displayed. The address for this service is: http://patapsco.nist.gov/ts_sbir/expert/default.asp
DOE Opens SBIR/STTR & DOC-NOAA Opens SBIR: The DOE has released their SBIR /STTR solicitation with a closing date of January 14, 2003. DOE will accept proposals under the SBIR and STTR programs. Complete details are available
on their web site at: http://sbir.er.doe.gov/sbir/. The DOC-NOAA has released their SBIR solicitation with a closing date of January 15, 2003. Complete details are available at:
Both solicitations will be included in our Zyn Solicitation Topic Search Engine by October 19.
SBA Announces FY-2002 Federal & State Partnership (FAST) Grant Awards: The SBA has released a list of 27 states who submitted successful proposals for the FY-2002 FAST Grant Awards competition.
The FAST Program was designed to strengthen the technological competitiveness of small business concerns in states. All 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam and the American Samoa are eligible to participate in the FAST program.
FAST is a competitive grants program, that allows each state to receive funding in the form of a grant to provide an array of services in support of the SBIR program. Any individual, organization, or entity in a state is eligible to participate in the FAST program.
The following list includes suggested services that can be offered by States who participate in the FAST program:
- technology research and development by small business concerns;
- technology transfer from university research to technology-based small business concerns;
- technology deployment and diffusion benefiting small business concerns;
- enhance the technological capabilities of small business concerns through the establishment or operation of consortia comprised of entities, organizations or individuals;
- Provide outreach, financial and technical assistance to technology based small business concerns participating in or interested in participating in the SBIR program;
- Make grants or loans to companies to pay a portion or all of the cost of developing SBIR proposals;
- Establish or operate a Mentoring Network within the FAST program to provide business advice and counseling that will assist small business concerns that have been identified by FAST program participants, SBIR program Managers, the Administration (SBA) or other entities that are knowledgeable about the SBIR and STTR programs as good candidates for the SBIR and STTR programs and that would benefit from mentoring;
- Encourage the commercialization of technology developed through SBIR funding;
For more information concerning the FAST program, please visit the SBA SBIR web site at: www.sbaonline.sba.gov/SBIR/
DoD Issues 2003.1 SBIR and NSF Opens SBIR/STTR for BT/EL Topics: The DoD has just released their 2003.1 SBIR solicitation which will open officially on December 2, 2002, with a due date of January 15, 2003. All of the DoD solicitation topics have been added to the Zyn Solicitation Search. Complete solicitation details can be found on the
DoD site at: www.acq.osd.mil/sadbu/sbir/. Please note that the DoD site often gets heavy traffic at the beginning and end of their solicitation cycle, and may be slow or unavailable. There is an alternate DoD site located at: www.dodsbir.net/solicitation/ in case you have trouble with their main site.
The NSF has now opened their SBIR/STTR solicitation in the area of (BT) Biotechnology, and (EL) Electronics. These are already included in the Zyn Solicitation Search engine. The NSF solicitation closes on January 22, 2003. You can get all the NSF information from their web site at: www.eng.nsf.gov/sbir/.
NIH Releases PA on Competing Continuation Awards Of SBIR Phase II Grants For Pharmacologic Agents And Drugs For Mental Disorders: The NIH released this PA (Program Announcement) on September 27, 2002 (PA Number: PA-02-173) which expires in October, 2005.
The Program Announcement (PA) solicits Small Business Innovation Research
(SBIR) grant applications that propose to continue the process of developing
pharmacologic agents for brain research related to mental disorders, including
research aimed at discovering new drugs for these disorders. The PA
specifically invites applications for the competing continuation of previously
funded Phase II SBIR grants, to take existing, promising compounds through the
next step of drug discovery and development. Only SBIR Phase II awardees are
eligible to submit a competing continuation application. The previously funded
Phase II SBIR grant need not have been submitted in response to a particular
solicitation, as long as the research is appropriate to the purpose of this
For more information, please read the NIH program announcement at: http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-02-173.html.
New SBA Policy Directive Enacted: The SBA has just released its new Final Policy Directive which supersedes any previously issued SBA Policy Directive, including the 1993 Directive.
To implement statutory changes, and to streamline the previous Directive, SBA published a proposed Policy Directive on May 18, 2001. See 66 FR 27721. The public comment period closed on June 18, 2001. However, SBA believed that SBCs needed more time to respond and therefore re-opened the comment period until July 23, 2001. 66 FR 33598 (June 22, 2001). SBA received over 200 comments from 30 different comment letters on the proposed Directive. This final Directive includes changes based on some of the comments received.
The SBIR Gateway also hosted a discussion area concerning some PD proposals which would severely limit subcontracting back to federal facilities for SBIR projects.
In the final version, the SBA amended the Policy Directive at section 9(f)(3) to specifically state that an agency must not be allowed to subcontract any portion of the SBIR award back to the issuing agency or to any other Federal governmental unit unless SBA determines, based upon information provided by the agency, that it would be helpful to the small business and it would not create a conflict of interest.
There are many other issues raised in this document. The SBIR Gateway has established a site where you can view/search/download the entire SBA Policy Directive. You can reach it at: www.zynsys.com/sbir/sbres/sba-pd.
DoD Extends SBIR Deadline Due to Technical Problems: The DoD announced this morning that the deadline for their SBIR Solicitation 02.2 will be extended from August 14, to August 16, 2002. An email from Mike Stone at BRTRC (the DoD SBIR Support Contractor) states:
Due to server technical problems for several hours late Tuesday night, August 13, 2002 until early Wednesday morning, August 14, 2002 at the DoD SBIR proposal submission site, the deadline for receipt of proposals under DoD SBIR Solicitation 02.2 is extended to 1200 Noon Local Time, August 16, 2002.
Please note that the August 16 due date is also set for 12:00 Noon, Eastern Daylight Time.
New NIH SBIR Grant from the trans-NIH Bioengineering Consortium (BECON): As part of the Bioengineering Nanotechnology Initiative, BECON has issued a Program Announcement (PA), inviting grant applications for Small
Business Innovation Research (SBIR) projects on nanotechnologies useful to biomedicine. Nanotechnology is defined as the creation of functional
materials, devices and systems through control of matter at the scale of 1 to 100 nanometers, and the exploitation of novel properties and phenomena at the
same scale.
In recognition of the nascence of this area, the duration and amounts of
individual grants awarded under the PA may be greater than those routinely
allowed under the SBIR program. Few small businesses possess the highly
specialized resources needed for nanoengineering. Therefore, this PA
encourages team approaches to research in the belief that a synergistic blend
of expertise and resources may be needed to allow for strong partnerships
between the small businesses and other entities in Phase I. Applications are
encouraged from teams of investigators from commercial, academic and other
sectors of the research community.
Receipt dates are listed as August 1, 2002 and December 1, 2002. For further information please see the NIH Bioengineering Nanotechnology Initiative PA located at:
Update: 7/11/02
New SBA SBIR Policy Directive to Limit Subcontracting with Federal Facilities: A new policy directive from the SBA has been sent to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review. The draft of this directive states:
(1) An agency shall not issue an SBIR funding agreement that includes a provision for subcontracting any portion of that agreement back to the issuing agency, to any other Federal Government agency, or to other units of the Federal Government.
This has spawned quite a debate in the SBIR community. [More...]
HHS "Administration for Children and Families" SBIR Solicitation Opens: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), an agency of the HHS has released a new SBIR solicitation (AFA0002081) consisting of 4 topics with a receipt date of August 15, 2002.
Please note: This is NOT part of the omnibus HHS/NIH/CDC/FDA solicitation and all information concerning this solicitation must be downloaded from the
Federal Business Opportunities (FPO) web site, more commonly known as FedBizOpps at: www.eps.gov/spg/HHS/PSC/DAM/AFA0002081/Attachments.html.
The four topic areas are:
- (ACYF-01-02) - To Develop a Domestic Violence Curriculum and Training Program for Head Start Family Workers
- (ACYF-02-02) - Developing Innovative Models or Strategies for Improving the Head Start Transportation Services, Including Effective Child Safety Restraint Systems
- (ADD-01-02) - Developing an Effective Research-Based Training Package and Appropriate Educational Curricula for Current and Future Frontline TANF Staff at State and Local Levels to Ensure Enhanced Outcomes for Dependent Families with Developmentally Disabled Individuals
- (OCSE-01-02) - Perceptions of Child Support by Minority Groups: Their Significance and Policy Implications
The ACF is responsible for some 60 programs which provide services and assistance to needy children and families, administers the new state-federal welfare program, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, administers the national child support enforcement system, and the Head Start program, provides funds to assist low-income families in paying for child care, and supports state programs to provide for foster care and adoption assistance.
For additional information on policies and procedures regarding the ACF SBIR Program, contact: Hossein Faris, Ph.D. at (202) 205-4922. The agency web site can be found at: www.acf.hhs.gov/. Currently, only the presolicitation announcement is listed on their site and it can be found at: www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/opre/presoli.htm.
NASA SBIR & STTR Solicitations Open: On June 6, 2002 NASA released two solicitations, one for the SBIR program and one for the STTR program. Although the two programs are related, the rules and regulations vary and there are two separate sets
of research topics.
The SBIR Program Solicitation is aligned with NASA�s five Strategic Enterprises (www.nasa.gov). The needs of all Strategic Enterprises are reflected in the research topics identified in Section 9 of the solicitation.
The STTR Program Solicitation is aligned with the NASA Centers of Excellence. Each Center of Excellence participates every other year. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) does not participate in the management of the STTR program.
The NASA SBIR and STTR Solicitation Topics are now available on our Zyn Solicitation Search Engine . The NASA solicitations are available on the NASA solicitation site located at: http://sbir.gsfc.nasa.gov/SBIR/sbirsttr2002/solicitation/ . The closing date for both solicitations are August 21, 2002.
USDA FY2003 SBIR Solicitation Opens: The USDA has opened their FY2003 SBIR solicitation on June 5, 2002 and will accept proposals until August 30, 2002. There are some important changes in this years solicitation to note. They include:
- New Topic Area - An additional topic area has been included in the FY 2003 Program Solicitation. Topic Area 8.10, Wildlife, focuses on developing new or improved technologies and environmentally sound approaches for the improved management of wildlife that will reduce the adverse impact of wildlife on agriculture and people and enhance the sustainability of wildlife populations.
- Revised Topic Areas - Revisions have been made to the following topic areas: 8.2 Plant Production and Protection; 8.4 Air, Water and Soils; and 8.6 Rural and Community Development
- Proposals are encouraged that focus on problems dealing with bioterrorism and homeland security, especially as these issues related to rural communities.
- Due Date (Deadline) Rules Changed - Unlike previous USDA SBIR due dates, your proposal must be received by the USDA at their office by Close of Business (5 pm, EDT) Friday, August 30, 2002.
All the necessary information is now available from the USDA SBIR web site at: www.reeusda.gov/sbir/ . You can also check out the USDA SBIR topic Detail by clicking on the button below.
NIH Changes Dates for AIDS Related Proposals/Research:
SBIR and STTR grant applications that propose AIDS or AIDS-related
research currently use the standard SBIR/STTR receipt dates of April 1,
August 1, and December 1.
All other investigator-initiated AIDS or AIDS-related research grant
applications have receipt dates of May 1, September 1, and January 2.
Effective with the publication of this announcement, the receipt dates
for SBIR (R43 and R44) and STTR (R41 and R42) applications that propose
AIDS or AIDS-related research will become the same as for all other AIDS
applications: May 1, September 1, and January 2.
This information can be found on the NIH site located at: http://grants2.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-02-036.html
Here is an UNOFFICIAL list of topics we believe to be included in the new dates. Please note, this is only our best case guess and you must verify the details
directly from the NIH.
Limited EPSCoR State Funding Available to Subsidize Registration Fee for Burlington VT SBIR Conference: The NSF EPSCoR program has made some funding available to help subsidize the registration fees for small businesses needing financial assistance to attend the National SBIR Conference in Burlington VT, Oct 28 - 31, 2002. Only those companies who are located
in EPSCoR states are eligible. Each EPSCoR state has its own rules and regulations as to who may qualify. Subsidies are limited to $325 which covers the cost of the conference registration fee. There are only a few subsidies for each EPSCoR state, so you must quickly contact your state's EPSCoR program director for details.
DOE Releases SBIR FY-2003 Topic Titles: The DOE has released a list of 47 SBIR Topic Titles that will most likely be a part of
their upcoming FY2003 solicitation to be released on October 15, 2002. The closing date will be Jan 14, 2003. Update 9/16/02: These dates are now confirmed by the DOE
Alabama Initiates SBIR E-Mentoring Program: The Alabama Department of Economic & Community Affairs (ADECA), in partnership with BizTech, Huntsville's technology-based business incubator, have created a new service for small high tech businesses interested in competing for various federal government SBIR awards.
Their SBIR e-mentoring program is a web-based coaching program to help SBIR and STTR applicants increase their competitiveness and create better proposals with help from previous SBIR winners.
E-mentors are experienced entrepreneurs and SBIR veterans, including Tibbetts Award winners. E-Mentors volunteer to share their experiences and expertise in the SBIR program with applicants new to the program or to a specific SBIR agency.
The e-mentor's job is to provide strategic guidance, advising, and counseling, but not consultation-type services like writing proposals or work plans.
There is no charge for e-mentoring services, but participants must register by completing an online profile form and tutorial on how e-mentoring works. The registration-tutorial process should take no longer than 10-15 minutes. For further information please visit the web site at www.biztech.org/sbir and click on the Find a Mentor link.
HHS/PHS SBIR Contracts Solicitation Opens: The Public Health Service of the HHS has released their annual (SBIR) Contract Proposal [PHS 2003-1] on August 1, 2002 with a closing date (receipt date) of November 8, 2002. This solicitation features topics from several NIH facilities as well as the CDC.
All topics are included in our SBIR/STTR Solicitation Topic Search located at: www.zynsys.com/sbir/sbres/sbcss.htm. The entire solicitation and all forms can be downloaded directly from the NIH site at: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/sbir.htm.
USDA To Add New SBIR Topic: The USDA SBIR program is adding a new topic area on wildlife issues. The
program will focus on wildlife in terrestrial (including birds), freshwater
and estuarine environments but not the marine environment. The aim is to
develop new or improved technologies and environmentally sound approaches
for improved management of wildlife that will reduce the adverse effects of
wildlife on agriculture and people and enhance the sustainability of
wildlife populations. Suggestions of possible research problems would
include 1) development of improved non-lethal methods to reduce damage
caused by cormorants feeding on fish in aquaculture ponds, blackbirds
feeding on sunflowers prior to harvest, or deer feeding on crop and
ornamental plants, 2) development of improved methods to regulate wildlife
populations at desired levels through use of immunocontraceptive approaches,
3) development of vaccines to combat diseases such as rabies in wildlife and
thus prevent the spread of the disease to livestock or people, and 4)
habitat restoration efforts that will result in improved control of wildlife
In the wake of the September 11 terrorism attacks on New York and
Washington, DC, the USDA SBIR program is encouraging applications that deal
with bioterrorism issues and ways to improve the homeland security of rural
communities. Proposals on bioterrorism might deal with 1) improved methods
for detection of animal diseases such as foot and mouth disease, 2) improved
methods for detection of toxins or pathogens in food in order to maintain
the safety of our food supply, and 3) improved methods for detection of
contaminants in water in order to maintain the safety of our water supply.
Rural communities are vital to our nation's existence and efforts are needed
to help rural communities with problems such as 1) improved planning on how
to deal with natural or man-made disasters, 2) possible interruptions in the
food and water supplies, and 3) improved telecommunication capability to
enable communities to obtain vital information even if transportation links
were broken and left the community isolated. Proposals dealing with rural
communities should be submitted to the Rural and Community Development topic
area. Proposals dealing with bioterrorism should be submitted to the
appropriate topic area (eg. Food Science and Nutrition if the proposal deals
with food safety).
In the USDA SBIR program applicants are free to propose any idea they wish
and thus the ideas are investigator-initiated. The ideas listed above for
wildlife, bioterrorism or improved security for rural communities would all
be appropriate but there are many other ideas that would also be
appropriate. Use your imagination and propose an innovative approach to an
important problem in one of these areas or any other area that would be
appropriate for the USDA SBIR program.
The USDA SBIR program solicitation should open on or about 6/1/02.
The Department of Education (ED) has announced the opening of their SBIR Grants solicitation. The new grants solicitation opens on May 15, 2002 and closes July 10, 2002. It is anticipated that 40 awards of up to $75,000 will be made. A copy of the announcement in the Federal Register can be found at: www.ed.gov/legislation/FedRegister/announcements/2002-2/051302b.html
The solicitation should be available on the Dept. of Education's SBIR site at: www.ed.gov/offices/OERI/SBIR/solicit.html
The NSF Announces Matchmaker Program. The NSF SBIR Matchmaker is the place where small high tech businesses meet potential investors and strategic partners.
The NSF SBIR Program is presenting a unique investment opportunity by introducing you to pre-selected, high technology emerging businesses in their portfolio that have each secured nearly $1million dollars to develop and advance their early-stage, cutting edge research. These Phase II Grantees have successfully advanced through two highly competitive selection rounds of assessment involving two rigorous technical peer reviews as well as one comprehensive commercial review. Only one in thirteen applicants typically reach this level of funding from NSF.
The NSF welcomes inquiries from Venture Capital Groups, Angel Investors and Strategic Corporate Partners. For these groups that meet the proper criteria, NSF Program Managers will make the initial introduction between you and the companies advancing the technologies of interest to you. For NSF SBIR Phase II Award Winners meeting the proper criteria, NSF Program Managers will introduce you to potential investors and / or to strategic corporate partners.
For complete details please visit the NSF SBIR Matchmaker site at: www.eng.nsf.gov/sbir/matchmaker.htm.
The Department of Education (ED) has announced a delay in the opening of their SBIR Grants solicitation that was slated for April 17, 2002. It is currently expected that this will be a short delay pending the publication of the Grant Application Notice in the "Federal Register."
The solicitation will be available directly from the ED web site at: www.ed.gov/offices/OERI/SBIR/solicit.html.
The Department of Education (ED) released their SBIR Contract Solicitation on April 2 but revised their SBIR Grant Solicitation release to April 17, 2002. The ED SBIR Contract Solicitation closes on June 10 and has only 1 topic:
1. Development and Adaptation of Innovative Technologies to Improve Instruction and Achievement in High Level Math in Secondary Career and Technical Education Courses.
The ED Grant solicitation is scheduled to be released April 17, 2002 and closes June 17, 2002. The solicitations are available directly from the ED web site at: www.ed.gov/offices/OERI/SBIR/solicit.html.
The NIH National Institute of Mental Health has issued a Request for SBIR Phase I Proposal under RFP No. NIMH-02-SBIR-Phase I.
The purpose of this Solicitation is to invite Phase I contract proposals from small business concerns that
have the expertise to contribute to the mission of the NIMH.
The NIMH invites you to submit a Phase I SBIR Proposal under the following topics:
- Topic 0201 - Development of Dissemination and Implementation Tools for the Delivery of Empirically
Validated Mental Health Interventions in Rural and Frontier Areas
- Topic 0202 - Mental Health Intervention and Services Trial Operational Archive
- Topic 0203 - Developing Research Based Training Modules for Conducting Community Based
Mental Health Interventions and Services Research with Underserved Racial/Ethnic
and Rural/Frontier Populations
- Topic 0204 - Web-based Resource on Meeting the Mental Health needs of individuals with
Neuropsychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Topic 0205 - Evaluating Mental Health Interventions and Services Research Protocols in Urban and
Rural Communities: Empirically Based Ethics Training Modules
Complete details are available from the NIMH at: www.nimh.nih.gov/grants/RFPNIMH02SBIRPHASEI.PDF.
The receipt date is May 28, 2002 but you are requested to submit a PROPOSAL INTENT RESPONSE SHEET by April 30, 2002 (the sheet is included in the file referenced above).
The EPA opened its regular SBIR solicitation on March 28, 2002. This solicitation excludes mobile sources stormwater/arsenic subtopics released previously in their two special solicitations that closed March 21, 2002. The EPA topics are now included in our Zyn Topic Search Engine and the solicitation is available on the EPA web site at: http://es.epa.gov/ncer/sbir/. The solicitation itself is available in html and PDF formats
on the EPA solicitation page at:http://es.epa.gov/ncer/rfa/index.html. The closing date for this proposal is May 23, 2002.
EPA will conduct an INTERNET seminar, SBIR Overview and Proposal Writing, on April 9, 2002 from 1:00 � 3:00. The seminar is designed to help small businesses convert environmental ideas, inventions, innovations, patents and processes into commercial environmental technologies. Detailed information regarding proposal preparation, technical content, cost and budgeting, quality assurance, methods of selection, technical evaluation criteria, etc. will be covered during the workshops. Research topics will be discussed and examples of funded research will be presented.
The live SBIR Internet Seminar materials are available as a download from the website and participants will participate via telephone lines which have been reserved for the presentation. There will be an opportunity for questions and the website has links to other useful SBIR information. Space is limited, so if you are interested, you will need to register early at:
http://clu-in.org/studio/ More information is available from the EPA SBIR site at: http://es.epa.gov/ncer/sbir/seminar.html
DoD Announces New Date For Spring 2002 National SBIR Conference: The new date for the DoD sponsored National SBIR Spring Conference is
June 11-13, 2002. The conference will be held at the Sheraton National Hotel in Arlington, VA. The web site address for this conference is: www.dodsbir.net/conference/springconf.htm
Conference details have not yet been released.
NIH Changes Dates for AIDS Related Proposals/Research:
SBIR and STTR grant applications that propose AIDS or AIDS-related
research currently use the standard SBIR/STTR receipt dates of April 1,
August 1, and December 1.
All other investigator-initiated AIDS or AIDS-related research grant
applications have receipt dates of May 1, September 1, and January 2.
Effective with the publication of this announcement, the receipt dates
for SBIR (R43 and R44) and STTR (R41 and R42) applications that propose
AIDS or AIDS-related research will become the same as for all other AIDS
applications: May 1, September 1, and January 2.
This information can be found on the NIH site located at: http://grants2.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-02-036.html
Here is an UNOFFICIAL list of topics we believe to be included in the new dates. Please note, this is only our best case guess and you must verify the details
directly from the NIH.
The Department of Education (ED) has announced some exciting changes to their SBIR program. For FY2002, Phase I award levels are raised from $60k to $75k and in FY2003 Phase II will increase from $300k to $500k. Also, the ED funding mechanism is changing from a contract format to a grant. During the transition for FY2002, ED will issue two Phase I solicitation announcements. There will be a program announcement issued for the grants and a separate announcement for the contracts.
Both share the same dates: Issue Date - April 2, 2002 and Closing Date - June 10, 2002. All the latest information concerning the ED SBIR program can be found on their web site's "What's New" page located at: www.ed.gov/offices/OERI/SBIR/news.html
The 4th Annual NIH SBIR/STTR Conference registration has now opened. This conference, to be held on June 21, 2002 at the NIH's Natcher Conference Center in Bethesda, MD, is the most important SBIR conference of the year for those interested in NIH SBIR/STTR opportunities. The good news is that it is that admission is free BUT you must register!! The bad news is that space is limited and this event almost always
"sells out", so you must register early if you want to be assured of admission. Registration and all details are available from the NIH conference web site located at: web.ncifcrf.gov/fcrdc/conf/sbir/index.html.
The DoD Web Site Withdraws June National SBIR Conference Date. As of February 20, 2002 the DoD has removed the June 26-28, 2002 date for their National SBIR Conference in the Washington DC area, from their web site. The DoD web site reports that a date will be released sometime in March.
PLEASE NOTE: The recently used DoD Conference web site address of
www.dodsbirconference.com/ appears to belong to the previous DoD contractor and may no longer be valid. The new DoD conference page is www.dodsbir.net/conference/springconf.htm. This can be confirmed by going to the DoD government site at
www.acq.osd.mil/sadbu/sbir/conferences/conference.htm and clicking on the National SBIR Spring Conference link.
The Department of Transportation (DOT) 2002 SBIR is now open! The DOT SBIR opened February 15 on schedule and has a closing date of May 1, 2002. The solicitation is available on their web site at www.volpe.dot.gov/sbir/ or you can click on the button below to browse their Research Topics.
The EPA Special SBIR Solicitation is Now Open! The two EPA SBIR solicitation topics scheduled for January 21, 2002 have opened as of January 31, 2002. The information is now available on their web site at http://es.epa.gov/ncerqa/sbir/.
The EPA has made a change in their program for this year and are offering three separate SBIR phase I solicitations. There will be two special solicitations: Mobile Sources and Stormwater as well as the regular SBIR Solicitation. The special solicitations are designed to meet the pressing needs of EPA's Office of
Transportation and Air Quality and EPA Region I. The opening and closing dates are different from the regular solicitation and Phase I contracts will be awarded for $100,000 over 10 months. The regular solicitation will cover all other EPA research topics and it will NOT include mobile sources or stormwater topics.
The two topics now open are:
Control And Monitoring Of Mobile Source Emissions (Subtopics: Digital Valve Technology for Engines, Heavy Duty Diesel Engine After-Treatment for NOx and Particulate Matter, On-Vehicle Diesel Fuel Sulfur Control, On-Vehicle Real-Time Monitoring,
Air Toxics Monitoring and Low Level Particulate Mass Measurement.)
Technologies For Stormwater, Csos And Arsenic In Drinking Water
(Subtopics: Control of Stormwater Runoff and Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs), In-Situ Treatment of Urban Sediments, Rehabilitation of Urban Infrastructure and Treatment of Arsenic in Drinking Water.)
The NSF has moved their sponsored SBIR Conference/Resources web site to SBIRWorld.com. Once there you'll find a fresh new look and lots of important SBIR information. You'll also find many tools similar to the ones you've used here AND you'll find some new ones as well. We welcome the addition of this valuable web site.
The Zyn site which you are now on, will continue to operate and expand. We currently service thousands of users each day and tens of thousands of SBIR searches are performed each month. We will do our best to find new sponsors and continue to serve the community. Your comments are very important to us. Please send them to [email protected]
The Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) is now The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) This change elevates the status of the former BMDO to Agency Level. Details can be found in DoD News Release located at: www.defenselink.mil/news/Jan2002/b01042002_bt008-02.html .
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) announces an amendment to the NIH Omnibus Solicitation for Small
Business Innovation Research(SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant Applications to encourage
SBIR and STTR grants on Bioterrorism-Related Research (SB-BTRR). The purpose of this program is to fund SBIR and STTR grants focused on
organisms that may be used in bioterrorism activities. All other requirements and instructions for NIH SBIR and STTR applications apply.
The January 23, 2002 receipt date is one time only. SB-BTRR Applications received after this date will be considered for normal SBIR
and STTR receipt dates. NIAID expects successful applications for this program to be awarded within 3 � 5 months of receipt.
You can obtain all necessary information directly from the agency at: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-AI-02-005.html.
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has additional funding opportunities for bioterrorism related research. These opportunities can be viewed at: www.niaid.nih.gov/dmid/bioterrorism/.
DOC/NIST SBIR Solicitation Delay is Over. The DOC/NIST SBIR announces the opening of their 2002 SBIR solicitation for January 2, 2002 with a closing date of February 15, 2002. The solicitation is now available at http://patapsco.nist.gov/ts_sbir/ The delay since Oct 31, 2001
was due to congressional budget issues which had not authorized the NIST FY 2002 appropriations. There was an interim date of December 14, 2001 but that was changed to the new January 2, 2002 and the deadline date has been extended to February 15,2002. NIST Topics are available in our Topic Search area at: www.zynsys.com/sbir/sbres/sbcss.htm.
NSF to Accept Homeland Security Research. Phase I proposals in Homeland Security research are welcome with the following provisos. Proposals not meeting each of these requirements, at NSF's discretion, may be returned to the proposer without review. Additional information can be found at the NSF SBIR web site: www.eng.nsf.gov/sbir/.
- Proposals in technologies for civil defense and civil infrastructure will be considered, but technologies for counter-terrorist or military applications will not be considered.
- Proposals in Homeland Security technologies must make a case for a credible threat as well as for a potential commercial application.
- SBIR proposers are encouraged to think "out-of-the-box" regarding both perceived potential terrorist threats and technologies to defend against them. Proposals for incremental development of available technologies will not be considered.
- A Homeland Security proposal must be submitted in one or another of NSF's research topics at the announced time of its due date, i.e., January 17, 2002, for the BT and EL topics and June 12, 2002 for the AM and IT topics. As with all SBIR Phase I proposals, those in Homeland Security technologies must conform to its research topic and subtopic as stated in the current solicitation.
- Proposals in Homeland Security technologies must meet all other Phase I requirements of the current SBIR solicitation, e.g., FastLane submission.
The DoD SBIR/STTR Interactive Topic Information System (SITIS) is currently experiencing
port problems, and may not be available through their normal address of dticam.dtic.mil. However, SITIS will be available through a new temporary address of dtica.dtic.mil/sbir. Please use this address until the problem is resolved.