DoD Issues FY-2007.1 SBIR (11/06/06) -
The DoD has released their FY2007.1 SBIR solicitation with offerings from the Air Force, Navy, OSD, CBD, DTRA and SOCOM. The solicitation opens and proposals will be accepted starting December 6, 2006 with a closing date of January 10, 2007 at 6:00am EST. The DoD topics are included in Zyn's SBIR Gateway Search Engine..
Caution: In DoD terms this is actually a pre-release which means that topics may be added, modified or withdrawn prior to the official opening on June 14, 2006.
The DoD solicitation can be downloaded from their site at
Do you want the Zyn SBIR Gateway to notify you when changes to the DoD FY07.1 SBIR are made?
If so, please enter your email address below and you will receive an email notification.
Email addresses will remain private and will not be shared.
Dept. of ED SBIR (11/6/06) -
The Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences (IES) has opened their FY-2007 SBIR offering (RFP Number: ED-07-R-0003) with a closing date of
January 8, 2007.
This is an unusual solicitation because it is for Fast-Track awards only. Fast-Track utilizes a process in which components from Phase I and Phase II are incorporated within one solicitation, submitted as one proposal, and reviewed simultaneously.
This IES solicitation is a contracts based program and the Institute has selected three priorities:
- Priority 1: Education Technology Products For Students
- Priority 2: Education Technology Products for Teachers
- Priority 3: Education Technology Products for School or District Administrators
The proposal is available from FedBizopps at
NOAA Opens FY-2007 SBIR (10/03/06) -
The Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (DOC/NOAA) has opened their FY-2007 SBIR on October 2, 2006 with a closing date of January 17, 2007. There are 4 main topic areas, each with a variety of subtopics. The main topics are:
- 8.1 Ecosystems
- 8.2 Climate
- 8.3 Weather and Water
- 8.4 Commerce and Transportation
NOAA does not utilize an electronic proposal submission process, so be prepared to submit hardcopies (a total of 6 copies) that must be received by 4:00 p.m. (EST) on January 17, 2007.
NOAA's SBIR solicitation is available on Fedbizopps at:
DOE Issues 07 SBIR/STTR (9/22/06) -
The Department of Energy has released its 2007 SBIR/STTR grants offering with a closing date of November 21, 2006. This year the DOE's SBIR/STTR has fallen prey to (government mandate) and now must be used in conjunction with the DOE's
e-Center. DOE cautions you that Applicants, who are not registered with CCR and, should allow at least 21 days completing these requirements.
The SBIR Gateway strongly suggests that you read the DOE's policy guidance located at
This year the DOE features 54 technical topics, most of which contain 3 or 4 subtopics.
Although you must go through to apply for this offering, it is easier to find the solicitation topics and details directly from the DOE's SBIR site at
DHS (HSARPA) Issues FY06.2 SBIR/STTR Pre-release (9/13/06) -
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has released its FY-06.2 SBIR/STTR solicitation that will open on October 12, 2006 and close November 13, 2006 at 4:00pm Eastern Time.
The DHS SBIR/STTR program is administered by DHS's Advanced Research Projects Agency (HSARPA), which is part of the DHS Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate, but there is also participation by the DHS Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) which is not a part of the S&T Directorate. The DNDO topic
has slightly different rules and award amounts, e.g., $1,000,000 phase II awards instead of $750,000.
There are 6 topics belonging to the S&T Directorate and 1 belonging to DNDO. All topics are common for both SBIR and STTR. They are:
- H-SB06.2-001 - System For Designing And Evaluating Chemical or Biological Agent Sensor Networks
- H-SB06.2-002 - Mobile Peripheral Device for Biological Analysis
- H-SB06.2-003 - Advanced Unattended Ground Sensor (UGS) Technologies
- H-SB06.2-004 - Next Generation Credentialing System Technologies
- H-SB06.2-005 - 3-D Visualization System To Show First Responders and Assets Within Building Structures in Urban Areas for Situational Awareness
- H-SB06.2-006 - Automated Scenario/Script Builder For Simulation-Based Training Systems
DNDO Topic:
- H-SB06.2-007 - High Quantum Efficiency Fast Detectors for the Readout of Scintillators for Gamma Ray Detection
The solicitation can be downloaded directly from the DHS SBIR web site at
NOAA Issues SBIR Presolicitation Announcement (9/06/06) -
The Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (DOC/NOAA) has issued a presolicitation notice for their upcoming FY-2007 SBIR offering. NOAA's SBIR solicitation will be issued on or about October 3, 2006 (early for NOAA) and historically closes in late January (dates to be announced).
NOAA's research and development topics for this solicitation include Ecosystems, Climate, Weather and Water, and Commerce and Transportation. These topics are accompanied by subtopics in each topic area.
The SBIR solicitation will be available on the Federal Business Opportunities website ( and on the NOAA website at
NSF Releases SBIR/STTR (8/30/06) - The National Science Foundation (NSF) has released its combined SBIR/STTR solicitation which opens to accept proposals on November 4, 2006 and closes on December 4, 2006 at 5 p.m. proposer's local time.
This solicitation contains topics in the areas of Biotechnology (BT), Electronics (EL), Emerging Opportunities (EO), Information Technology (IT).
Each agency has its own unique policies and instructions, and the NSF is no exception. For example NSF allows only 4 proposals per organization. NSF strongly advises you to carefully study their administrative and technical screening information items. They caution that
failure to follow the instructions, will render a proposal as "inappropriate", and all proposals considered "inappropriate" will be returned without review!
The proposal and complete instructions are available on the NSF web site at
PHS/NIH/CDC Opens 2007-1 SBIR Contracts Solicitation (8/8/06) - The NIH has issued the Public Health Services' (PHS) 2007-1 SBIR Contracts Solicitation which opened August 8, 2006 and closes on November 6, 2006.
The PHS/NIH/CDC "contracts" solicitation is a separate and independent offering from NIH and is not connected to their currently open 2006-2 Omnibus SBIR/STTR Grants solicitation.
There are important differences between the NIH Grants and NIH Contracts solicitations. The topics are different and are much more focused and specific in the Contracts solicitation, and is for SBIR only. The NIH Grants solicitation is for both SBIR and STTR, the topics are broad based and small businesses are invited to submit a proposal
in any area within the mission of the awarding components. However, in the NIH Contracts solicitation, proposals are only accepted if they respond specifically to a research topic.
The Grants solicitation includes offerings from all 23 Institutes/Centers (ICs) within NIH and stays open all year with 3 receipt dates. Not all centers participate in the Contracts solicitation and there is only 1 receipt date.
About 95% of NIH SBIR awards are made through the Grant (assistance) mechanism, and about 5% of NIH SBIR awards are made through the Contract (procurement) mechanism.
You can download the solicitation from the NIH web site in Word format at or in PDF format at
The NIH SBIR web site is located at and the
NIH Solicitation notice is posted on FedBizOpps at
DoD Issues FY-2006.3 SBIR (8/01/06) - The DoD has released their FY2006.3 SBIR solicitation with offerings from the Air Force, Navy, MDA and OSD. The solicitation opens to accepting proposals starting September 13, 2006 with a closing date of October 13, 2006 at 6:00am EST.
Caution: In DoD terms this is actually a pre-release which means that topics may be added, modified or withdrawn prior to the official opening on September 13, 2006. The DoD topics will be included in Zyn's SBIR Gateway Search Engine by August 2, 2006. You will also be able to sign up with the SBIR Gateway to be alerted when changes are made to the DoD solicitation.
The DoD solicitation can be downloaded from their site at
PHS/NIH/CDC to Release 2007-1 SBIR Contracts Solicitation (7/27/06) - The NIH has issued a prerelease announcement on the Public Health Services' (PHS) 2007-1 SBIR Contracts Solicitation which should open on or about August 7, 2006 and close on November 6, 2006.
The PHS/NIH/CDC "contracts" solicitation is a separate and independent offering from NIH and is not connected to their currently open 2006-2 Omnibus SBIR/STTR Grants solicitation.
There are important differences between the NIH Grants and NIH Contracts solicitations. The topics are different and are much more focused and specific in the Contracts solicitation, and is for SBIR only. The NIH Grants solicitation is for both SBIR and STTR, the topics are broad based and small businesses are invited to submit a proposal
in any area within the mission of the awarding components. However, in the NIH Contracts solicitation, proposals are only accepted if they respond specifically to a research topic.
The Grants solicitation includes offerings from all 23 Institutes/Centers (ICs) within NIH and stays open all year with 3 receipt dates. Not all centers participate in the Contracts solicitation and there is only 1 receipt date.
About 95% of NIH SBIR awards are made through the Grant (assistance) mechanism, and about 5% of NIH SBIR awards are made through the Contract (procurement) mechanism.
The NIH SBIR web site is located at and the
NIH Solicitation notice is posted on FedBizOpps at
NASA Opens 2006 SBIR/STTR (07/07/06) -
NASA has released their 2006 SBIR & STTR solicitations that open July 7, 2006 and close September 7, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. EDT. Although NASA's release combines both SBIR and STTR in one document, there are separate topics and procedures each. Both programs have the same due date of September 7, 2006.
The SBIR Program Solicitation topics are developed in coordination with the NASA management structure organized by four Mission Directorates (MD). Each MD is analogous to a strategic business unit employed by private-sector companies to focus on and respond to their customers' needs. Each MD has a unique set of goals, objectives, and strategies, which are the following:
Aeronautics Research
Exploration Systems
Space Operations
Each STTR Program Solicitation Topic corresponds to a specific NASA Center. Two subtopics per Topic reflect the current highest priority technology thrusts of that Center.
The NASA solicitation is available at
USDA Opens FY-2007 SBIR (06/21/06) -
After a rocky start, (on June 6, 2006 the USDA released an "abbreviated" non-functional version of the solicitation), the USDA has now opened its FY-2007 SBIR solicitation. Being a grants based program, offerors must utilize in order to start the submission process. If you haven't registered with, you must do so before submitting your proposal.
Registration with can take weeks so register early!!
For all FY 2007 proposals, the USDA SBIR program will require electronic proposal submission through ( Submission through requires the use of new forms. Proposals not submitted electronically and/or proposals submitted using incorrect or older forms will not be accepted into the program and will be returned without review.
You can download the current solicitation from the USDA SBIR web site at:
HHS ACF Releases FY-2006 SBIR (06/20/06) -
The HHS Administration for Children and Families (ACF), through the Program Support Center (PSC), Division of Acquisition Management (DAM), has released their FY-2006 SBIR solicitation with an opening date of June 19,2006 and a closing date of August 3, 2006 4:30pm eastern time. The ACF accepts only hard copy proposals (5 copies) sent by mail or delivery service e.g., Fedex, UPS (no faxes).
The Administration for Children and Families topics are:
- (ACF-OPRE-01-06) - Identify, Develop and Demonstrate Research-Based Innovative Financial Management Model(s) and Appropriate Implementation Strategies, Including the Required Training and Technical Assistance, Designed to Enhance the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Financial Management Practices and Capabilities of Indian Tribal Governments.
- (OCSE-01-06) - Design, Develop and Test Effective and Efficient Comprehensive Community-Based Outreach Strategies Aimed at Improving Access to Child Support Enforcement Services by Hispanic Communities.
- (OCSE-02-06) - A Longitudinal Analysis of the Effects of Marriage on Father Involvement, Parenting and Child Support.
This is a contracts based solicitation and is listed only in FedBizOpps at
NASA Issues SBIR/STTR Presolicitation (06/07/06) -
NASA has issued a presolicitation notice stating that their 2006 SBIR?STTR solicitation will be released on or about July 7, 2006 with a project closing date of September 7, 2006.
Although the solicitation will incorporate both SBIR and STTR, with both programs sharing the same topics, the review, selection and award processes will be conducted separately for each program. Proposals must be submitted as either an SBIR or an STTR proposals and will only be considered for award under one program.
The solicitation will be available on the NASA SBIR web site at The presolicitation notices are available on the FedBizOpps at:
HHS ACF Issues SBIR Presolicitation (06/01/06) -
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), through the Program Support Center (PSC), Division of Acquisition Management (DAM), is soliciting proposals from eligible small business concerns that possess the research & development (R&D) expertise to conduct innovative research for the following topics:
- (ACF-OPRE-01-06) - Identify, Develop and Demonstrate Research-Based Innovative Financial Management Model(s) and Appropriate Implementation Strategies, Including the Required Training and Technical Assistance, Designed to Enhance the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Financial Management Practices and Capabilities of Indian Tribal Governments ;
- (OCSE-01-06) - Design, Develop and Test Effective and Efficient Comprehensive Community-Based Outreach Strategies Aimed at Improving Access to Child Support Enforcement Services by Hispanic Communities (OCSE-01-06);
- (OCSE-02-06) - A Longitudinal Analysis of the Effects of Marriage on Father Involvement, Parenting and Child Support
This is a contracts based solicitation and will be listed in FedBizOpps at The solicitation will be released on or about June 15, 2006.
DoD Issues FY-2006.2 SBIR (05/01/06) -
The DoD has released their FY2006.2 SBIR solicitation with offerings from the Army, DARPA, Navy, and SOCOM. The solicitation opens and proposals will be accepted starting June 14, 2006 with a closing date of July 14, 2006 at 6:00am EST.
Caution: In DoD terms this is actually a pre-release which means that topics may be added, modified or withdrawn prior to the official opening on June 14, 2006. The DoD topics will be included in Zyn's SBIR Gateway Search Engine by May 7, 2006. You will also be able to sign up with the SBIR Gateway to be alerted when changes are made to the DoD solicitation.
The DoD solicitation can be downloaded from their site at
Do you want the Zyn SBIR Gateway to notify you when changes to the DoD FY06.2 SBIR are made?
If so, please enter your email address below and you will receive an email notification.
Email addresses will remain private and will not be shared.
SBIR Tibbetts Awards Program Revived (4/23/06) - After a few years on hiatus, the SBIR Tibbetts Award program is back. Severe budget cut backs at SBA forced a halt in 2003 to this prestigious SBIR national awards program.
Named for Roland Tibbetts, the person acknowledged as the father of the Small Business Innovation Research program, these awards are made annually to those small firms, projects, organizations and individuals judged to exemplify the very best in SBIR achievement.
In an effort spearheaded by the SBTC and Jere Glover, the program has been restarted with the support of many federal agencies as well the private sector. Even Roland Tibbetts himself has agreed to advise and participate in the awards program.
Nominations for awards will open May 15, 2006 and close July 15, 2006. Details are available from the Tibbetts Awards web site at
SBIR Insider Newsletter Update (4/03/06) - The SBIR Insider Newsletter for April 3, 2006 is now available at In this issue you will find articles on:
- SBA and Small Business Programs in Peril?
- National Academies Symposium on Innovation Awards and
- Senate SBE Hearing - More Woes for SBA's Barreto
- Note to SBA: Help is on the Way... Maybe...
- The Return of the Tibbetts Awards Program
National Academies symposium on Innovation Awards and Entrepreneurship: SBIR, the States, and the Innovator. (4/03/06) -
On April 7, 2006 the National Academies is holding a symposium on the topic listed above. This event will take place in Room 100 of the National Academies Keck Center at 500 5th Street, NW, beginning at 8:30AM and concluding at approximately 5:45PM with a reception
This important symposium, part of the Congressionally-mandated study of the SBIR program, is designed to bring together representatives of selected state programs to discuss state-level initiatives and their interaction with the SBIR program. In addition, the meeting will provide an opportunity to review empirical measures of innovation at the state and regional level. The meeting will also provide the opportunity to discuss the role and effectiveness of outreach programs for best practice lessons for both SBIR and regional programs. Fundamentally, the goal is to better understand SBIR's role in regional innovation systems and how their interaction might be enhanced.
As you may know, innovation and how to facilitate it is of considerable interest on Capitol Hill as the nation addresses the challenge and opportunities of globalization. A unique feature of the meeting is that it will bring together leading authorities from a number of outstanding state programs to meet with and exchange experiences with Washington officials, congressional staff, academic experts, and representatives of the private sector.
The event will take place in Room 100 of the National Academies Keck Center at 500 5th Street, NW, on 7 April 2006, beginning at 8:30AM and concluding at approximately 5:45PM with a reception. The DRAFT agenda is attached.
We hope you will be able to join us for this timely, informative, and potentially important event. Please RSVP to McAlister Clabaugh at [email protected].
McAlister Clabaugh
Program Associate
Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy
National Academies
500 5th St, NW, Keck W548
Washington, DC 20001
Tel: 202-334-1529
Email: [email protected]
EPA Opens FY-2006 SBIR (3/24/06) - The Environmental Protection Agency opened its FY-2006 SBIR solicitation on March 23, 2006, with proposals due on May 24, 2006.
EPA expects to make a total of 40 SBIR phase I awards in the following topics:
A. Great Lakes Environmental Problems (EPA Region 5)
1. Improving the Great Lakes
2. Control of Air Pollution
3. Monitoring and Remote Sensing
4. Green Buildings
B. Environmental Problems In America's Heartland (EPA Region 7)
1. Mining and Mine Waste Management
2. Lead Paint Detection and Removal
3. Agriculture and Rural Community Improvement
4. Management of Animal Feeding Operations
C. Drinking Water And Wastewater Management (EPA Office of Water)
1. Drinking Water Treatment and Monitoring
2. Pollution Indicators for Beaches and Recreational Waters
3. Water and Wastewater Management
D. Critical EPA Research Topics
1. Innovation in Manufacturing for Environmental Protection
2. Nanotechnology
3. Engine and Vehicle Emissions Reduction
4. Solid and Hazardous Waste
5. Homeland Security
Note: The EPA does not utilize an electronic proposal submission system. Your proposal (in hard copy) with an original and nine (9) copies (including all appendices) must be received by EPA by 12:00 p.m. (Noon) local time on May 24, 2006.
The soliciation is available on the EPA SBIR web site at
NSF Release 2007 SBIR/STTR (3/15/06) - The National Science Foundation has released its 2007 SBIR/STTR solicitation which opens May 13, 2006 and closes June 13, 2006. The four main topic areas are:
- Advanced Materials (7 topics)
- Manufacturing Innovation (4 topics with dozens of subtopics)
- Emerging Opportunity (2 topics each with several subtopics
- Information-Based Technologies (6 topics with several subtopics)
A major change for this solicitation is a 50% increase to the phase I award limit in the STTR program from $100,000 to $150,000. The SBIR award amount is remains at $100,000.
Note: This NSF SBIR and STTR offering share the same topics, so why not go for the higher award STTR? Most of you know the STTR requires you to partner with a research institution (e.g. University or FFRDC) but the overall funding available for the
two programs are different. NSF's total award funding for this offering is approximately $16,250,000 with $12,500,000 for SBIR and only $3,750,000 for STTR.
However, keep in mind that the NSF spends a great deal of time in the land of academia and knows most important research institutions well. If your small business needs a boost in the R&D area, you may be wise to search for
a good research institution and bring them in as an STTR partner. Also note that in STTR you no longer need a waiver from SBA to partner with a Federally Funded research and Development Center (FFRDC). A list of FFRDCs is available on the SBIR Gateway at
Although the NSF's SBIR/STTR solicitation is a Grants program, NSF is still using their Fastlane proposal submission system rather than All proposals must be submitted using the NSF Fastlane system (which our readers tend to prefer over Keep in mind that the NSF has a limit of four (4) Phase I proposals per company and its affiliates.
Complete NSF SBIR/STTR solicitation information is available on their site at The NSF topics are also included in the SBIR Gateway search engine.
SBIR Insider Newsletter Update (2/16/06) - The SBIR Insider Newsletter for February 16, 2006 is now available at In this issue you will find articles on:
- Bill Introduced to Raise SBIR Awards
- Changes at DHS's HSARPA
- Inc. Magazine's Best Friends In DC: On the Hill
- The President's 2007 Budget and SBA
- Change in HSARPA's RTAP Schedule
DOT Opens 2006 SBIR (2/15/06) -
The US Department of Transportation (DOT) Volpe National Transportation System Center has released its 2006 SBIR solicitation with an opening date of February 15, 2006 and a closing date of May 1, 2006.
The 9 technical topics for this soliciation are:
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) 06-FH1 Real Time Signal State Transition Software for Advanced Traffic Controller
06-FH2 Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) Testing of Pavements for Location and Evaluation of In-roadway Sensor Installations
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) 06-FM1
Driver Fatigue - Distraction Monitoring and Alerting Technology
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)
06-PH1 Innovative Safety, Reliability and Inspection Technologies for Pipeline Safety Integrity Management
Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
06-FR1 Pilot for Rail Passenger Cab Cars
06-FR2 Feasibility and Possible Migration Path of nation-wide deployment of Positive Train Control
06-FR3 Ultra Portable Ride Quality Meter
06-FR4 Low Cost Grade Separation
06-FR5Collision Survival System (CSS)
The solicitation can be found on the DOT SBIR web site at:
HSARPA Issues FY06.1 SBIR/STTR Pre-release - The Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency (HSARPA) has issued its FY-2006.1 SBIR/STTR solicit ion which will start accepting proposals on March 10, 2006 and closes April 10, 2006 at 4pm ET.
This solicitation includes the inauguration of HSAPRA's STTR program which shares the same topics as the SBIR offering. There are 9 HSARPA topics and 1 Domestic Nuclear
Detection Office (DNDO) topic. The DNDO topic allows phase I awards of up to $150,000, while the HSARPA topics are $100,000. All topics are open to both SBIR and STTR proposals.
HSARPA is going through a transition of web site addresses from to but both will work during the solicitation period.
Complete information is available from the HSAPRA web site at
RTAP Schedule Change (2/06/06) -
HSARPA has announced a change in schedule to their Rapid Technology Application Program (RTAP) (BAA 05-10) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA).
Due to the large number of White Papers submitted, HSARPA intends to notify offerors to either encourage or discourage submission of a full proposal.
RTAP white paper notifications will be sent to offerors via electronic mail by February 28, 2006, which will include the new due date for full proposal submission.
Note: Offerors receiving notice from HSARPA discouraging submittal of a proposal are still eligible to submit a proposal although the chances of receiving funding are very slim. However, it is not without precedent
that an offeror who was discouraged from submitting a proposal, changed their approach to the problem and submitted a proposal that was successful in spite of a poor white paper. This is the exception rather than the rule.
Update information on the RTAP program is available from FedBizOpps at and on the HSAPRA BAA web site
at [More..]
DoD Issues STTR Pre-release (2/01/06) - The DoD has issued a pre-release of their FY-2006 STTR solicitation which will start accepting proposals on March 14, 2006 and close on April 14, 2006 at 6 a.m. EST
During the pre-release time period (02/01/06 through 03/13/06), proposers have an opportunity to contact topic authors by telephone or email to ask technical questions about specific solicitations topics.
Questions should be limited to specific information related to improving the understanding of a particular topic�s requirements. Offerors may not ask for advice or guidance on solution approach, nor submit additional material to the topic author. If information given in response to a question is deemed necessary for the preparation of proposals, that information will be made available to the public through the DoD's SITIS (electronic Q&A) system
After 03/13/06 questions can still be posed, but only through the public SITIS system.
The DoD's STTR solicitation includes topics from the Air Force, Army, DARAP, MDA, Navy and OSD. The solicitation can be found on the DoD's web site at
The STTR program is now operating under SBA's new STTR Policy Directive and you can partner with a Federal Funded Research & Development Center (FFRDC) without obtaining an SBA waiver.
NOTE: The DoD's topics are subject to change/cancellation during the pre-release time period, so it is wise to periodically check for changes.
Do you want the Zyn SBIR Gateway to notify you when changes to the DoD FY06 STTR are made?
If so, please enter your email address below and you will receive an email notification.
Email addresses will remain private and will not be shared.
HSARPA SBIR Update - To Add an STTR Program to the Upcoming Solicitation (2/01/06) -
The Department of Homeland Security's Advanced Research Projects Agency (HSARPA) has announced plans to release their FY06.1 SBIR solicitation in early February. HSARPA has also announced the addition of an STTR program that will be
released at the same time as part of their FY06.1 solicitation.
The HSARPA SBIR funding level will be approximately $30M this fiscal year, an increase from the FY05 funding level of just
under $23M. This increase will allow them to conduct research in several more topical areas than last year and implement the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program. The additional funding will also be useful as HSARPA begins a technology assistance program which can provide either technical assistance or commercialization support to the small businesses who gain DHS SBIR awards.
Additional information is available on the HSARPA SBIR web site at
NIH Releases FY-06.2 SBIR/STTR (1/20/06) -
The DHHS has issued their PHS 2006.2 SBIR/STTR Omnibus Grants solicitations. This includes offers from the NIH, CDC and FDA with
application submission dates (formerly called receipt dates) of: April 1, 2006, August 1, 2006, and December 1, 2006 for non-AIDS related topics, and
May 1, 2006; September 1, 2006; and January 2, 2007 for AIDS related topics. The CDC and FDA do not participate in the STTR program nor do they have a Fast Track program as NIH does.
This solicitation consists of the following parts:
The CDC and FDA do not participate in the STTR program nor do they feature Fast Track topics as NIH does.
This is a Grants based solicitation and requires that you register with both and the NIH's eRA Commons. Note: Many companies have reported problems with this submission process. Both and NIH's eRA Commons have been working hard
to minimize these problems. However, the submission process is very complicated for the uninitiated, so it is advised that you check for the most common submission problems. A list of these problems are available on the
NIH site at
All information is available from the NIH SBIR web site at
Dept of Education's NIDRR Opens SBIR (1/11/06) - The Department of Education's Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services' National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation
Research (NIDRR) has released its SBIR Grants solicitation (CDFA Number: 84.133S-1.) that opens January 10, 2006 and closes March 13, 2006.
This offering is a GRANTs based SBIR, unlike the recently closed Contracts based SBIR that was offered by ED's Institute of Education Sciences (IES). Being grants based means that you must use in order to apply electronically or you
may file by mail/hard copy by downloading the grant application package from the ED web site at
All SBIR projects funded by NIDRR must address the needs of individuals with disabilities and their families. ED uses the term "Invitational Priorities" rather than technical topics.
Under this competition ED is particularly interested in applications that address one of the following priorities:
- Development of technology to support access, promote
integration, or foster independence of individuals with disabilities in
the workplace, recreational activities, or educational settings.
- Development of technology to enhance sensory or motor function
of individuals with disabilities.
- Development of technology to support access to employment,
promote sustained employment, and promote employment advancement for
individuals with disabilities.
- Development of accessible information technology including Web
access technology, software, and other systems and devices that promote
access to information in educational, employment, and community
settings, and voting technology that improves access for individuals
with disabilities.
- Development of technology to support independent access to
health care services in the community for individuals with
Last year NIDRR made 22 SBIR phase I awards and 7 phase II which set a record. This year NIDRR expects to make 15 phase I awards.
You can view ED's SBIR Grants offering at or download the announcement from the Federal Register at
or you can download a Word and PDF application package from the NIDRR web site at
Remember if you file electronically you must go through That requires new procedures and some extra time on your part. Start early and plan ahead.
SBA Publishes Final STTR Policy Directive (1/02/06) -
On December 16, 2005 the SBA published its long awaited Small Business Technology Transfer Program Policy Directive (RIN 3245�AE96). This STTR Policy Directive (PD) has been a long time in the making (originally proposed June 16, 2003) and required a complex process of approvals before becoming the final. Participation of industry associations such as SBTC as well as individual companies and SBIR/STTR proponents played an important role of providing feedback to the SBA concerning the language of this PD.
There are no major surprises but one significant change is the ability to subcontract with a Federal Funded Research & Development Center (FFRDC) without obtaining an SBA waiver.
A small business can now utilize (subcontract) a portion of their award to an FFRDC without needing to file for an exemption with the SBA.
However, SBA notes that STTR funds may not be used to pay for lab resources of non-FFRDCs, unless a waiver is granted. [List of FFRDCs]
Eligibility, funding levels and award amounts remain the same. There was a growing movement to increase the Dollar Value of Awards to $150,000 for phase I awards and $1,000,000 for phase II, but that was not included in this PD. However, an awarding agency may exceed those award values where appropriate for a particular project. After award of any funding agreement exceeding $100,000 for Phase I or $750,000 for Phase II, the agency's STTR representative must provide SBA with written justification of such action.
U.S. Court Decision Threatens SBIR Data Rights and Phase III Opportunities (11/28/05) -
The U.S. Court of Federal Claims issued a decision in the Night Vision Corp (Plaintiff) v The United States of America (Defendant) case that is sending shock waves into parts of the SBIR community. The ramifications of this decision include loss of SBIR data rights, and use of the SBIR work product given to a competing entity to produce the product and sell back to the government, in essence circumventing what should have been an SBIR phase III opportunity.